BDPF - Bangladesh Doctorate's Platform in Finland
বাংলাদেশি যাঁরা ফিনল্যান্ড থেকে ডক্টরেট ডিগ্রি অর্জন করেছেন এবং ডক্টরেট ডিগ্রিধারী যাঁরা ফিনল্যান্ডে বসবাস করছেন, তাঁদের সবার একত্র হওয়ার বা নিজেদের খুঁজে পাওয়ার সংগঠন বাংলাদেশ ডক্টরেট প্ল্যাটফর্ম ইন ফিনল্যান্ড- ‘বাংলাদেশ ডক্টরেট প্লাটফর্ম ইন ফিনল্যান্ড’
- Mission: The mission of the Bangladesh Doctorate's Platform in Finland is to bring all Bangladeshi citizens who did their doctorate degrees from Finnish universities, and who did their doctorate degrees from elsewhere but residing permanently in Finland to a single platform. The platform strives to provide space for intellectual exchanges and networking of multidisciplinary dimensions. Through this platform the members can benefit for their personal and professional growth, and contribute to the social-economic and cultural development of Bangladesh.
- Vision: Vision Bangladeshi doctorate degree holders intellectually contribute – on a continuous basis – to the personal and professional development of themselves and the overall development of Bangladesh. Alongside, the platform will dedicate itself towards marketable knowledge developments for tomorrows.
আপনার প্লাটফর্ম ব্যক্তি বা যে কোনো দলীয় স্বার্থের ঊর্ধ্বে। আমরা বিশ্বাস করি, তরবারির চেয়ে কলম অনেক বেশী শক্তিশালী এবং নীতির প্রশ্নে আমরা অভিন্ন। তাই, প্লাটফর্মের দর্শন ও আদর্শের সাথে সার্ঘষিক যে কোন পোষ্ট, ছবি এবং ভিডিও গ্রহণযোগ্য বলে বিবেচিত হবে না।
The Services We Offer
BDPF offers several innovative courses in the form of short course, full course, workshop/training, etc. There are several ready courses to offer, which can be customized based on institution’s needs. In addition, new courses can also be designed and offered based on the institution’s needs. The courses are mainly offered through using online platform but also can be offered through face-to-face teaching and learning, which are dependent on institution’s needs.
The courses can be delivered at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels within various institutions (private and government) globally, but preference will be given to Bangladeshi institutions. The courses are designed from 1-5 credit points. Each course has its own study objectives, contents, duration and assessment methods, which can be tailored to institution’s needs. Moreover, courses are also available for companies, which may be designed based their specific needs. To know more about the available courses and your wishes, please contact to BDPF administration.